Navigator FAQ's

Transfer and Readmit Welcome and Onboarding FAQ's  

Academic Success Navigators serve KU Lawrence, KU Edwards, and KU Online students with the Transfer Admit Type.  Freshmen admits with transfer credits (usually from dual credit) still go through our Freshmen Orientation experience and RSVP for that using their KU online ID at 

  • If you have a question about a student being admitted improperly, contact

Common Transfer Student Service Questions

Answer to Student:

Thank you for reaching out about your next steps at KU. I want to connect you with our transfer admissions team so that you can access them for support throughout your application process at KU. You can connect directly with our transfer team at . Follow the prompts to find your specific transfer admissions representative. 

Our Admissions Team is also your best source for questions about housing at KU.

Answer to Student:

Thank you for asking about your next steps and welcome to KU!  Let’s get you connected with the Academic Success Navigators who can take a look at your records and advise on next steps and make your needed appointments.  I will continue to serve as your contact for all things related to <insert based on your role at KU as appropriate> should you need me for that moving forward.  To connect with the Academic Success Navigators, email  

Answer to Student:

Thank you for asking about <insert> service.  As a new Transfer Student this service will be extremely helpful to you and they can be contacted directly at <insert email and person's name or website>.

Anyone can connect Transfer Students to the services at KU (you do not have to make them go through the Navigators).  If however, you are unsure who  is best suited to help the Transfer Student with that service or question, refer to and we are happy to assist.  

Answer to Student:

Thank you for asking about your transfer credits and welcome to KU!  Let’s get you connected with the Academic Success Navigators who can take a look at your records and schedule your Transfer Welcome Meeting where your assigned academic advisor will go through your transfer credits in detail with you.   To connect with the Academic Success Navigators, email or call 785-864-1218.

If speaking with the student or if you have access, see if they already have a Transfer Welcome Meeting scheduled in Jayhawk GPS.  If they do, assure them that transfer credit details are addressed in that meeting.

Answer to Student:

Excellent!  As you may realize, this is a super hectic time so let me connect you to an Academic Success Navigator ASAP to help you see what your enrollment process looks like depending on your program.  You might also save the date for <<insert next coming open enrollment dates i.e. Jan 11-12, 2024>> for "open enrollment".  Until then, let’s get you with a Navigator to explore your enrollment options first.   

Navigators cannot "enroll" students, only Academic Advisors can activate this access for students.  All transfer students at KU have an initial enrollment hold to assure that the student meets with an academic advisor prior to enrollment per KU policy.  Only the Academic Advisor can remove the hold so the student can enroll up through the open enrollment dates listed.  Enrollment takes time, but can be done quickly by making the appointments through the Navigators.

Answer to Student:

All newly admitted transfer students at KU are required to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your degree plan and upcoming term schedule prior to enrolling.  The hold will be removed during this first advising meeting.  To schedule your Transfer Welcome Advising Meeting, please email the KU Navigators who can assist.    

If the student already met with their advisor (remember to confirm they were an attended appointment in JGPS) the student can email their advisor directly to request the hold to be removed it was simply missed.

Answer to Student:

Great question!  YES – this is a required step for Transfer students to make sure you are ready to go for the first week of classes.  Fortunately, there are many different options to choose from: 1) fully online self-paced modules designed for online or on-ground students  2) ½ day on-campus Transfer Experience  3) full-day on-campus with incoming Freshmen   3)KU Edwards orientation program (in January/August) for students attending that campus in Overland Park, KS. 

Orientation is designed to be done between your Transfer Tech Session and your Transfer Welcome Advising Meeting to help you get enrolled as quickly as possible.  During the Tech Session, you will be signed up for your preferred Orientation option.

Visit the Transfer Orientation Website: for more details.

Student Answer:

No problem.  I recommend completing the online version since you can do that anytime that works for you.  If you want to get a Transfer Tour of campus to get familiar with spaces and places before classes start, we are happy to have you join us that way as well!   

Transfer Fridays: Transfer Friday Campus Visits ( 

Student Answer:

The Transfer Tech Session is a 30-minute zoom meeting where you and a Navigator will activate all of your KU systems, schedule your critical appointments for enrollment, and address any questions you have about your next steps at KU.  Yes, this is a required step in your process because of the technical components required with your KU online ID.  These tech sessions are designed as a "screen share" experience to expedite your use of the KU systems you will use frequently from this point forward as they likely differ from the systems at your prior institution.  We highly recommend that you attend these sessions on an actual computer (preferably not on your phone) so that you can see the navigation and log into your RSVP systems easily.  Contact the Navigators to get your Tech Session scheduled today 

If you have already done a Tech Session for a prior semester, we will move you directly to your next steps.

Systems and Info during a Tech Session:  DUO Authentication, Enroll & Pay, CredTran, Jayhawk GPS, Student ID Card, Pre-Enrollment Compliance Q's, Advising Appointment, Orientation Appointment.

Student Answer:

Missed Tech Session or Transfer Welcome Advising Meeting - email or call 785-864-1218 to reschedule

Missed Orientation Session - re-register for the next available orientation including our online option!  Go to: and simply choose a new option that meets your needs after cancelling your original option.  Or call or calling 785-864-4270.

Student Answer:

The enrollment appointment dates for all Transfer Students are planned to be loaded into the system the first two weeks of April and last week of October each semester.  Once the enrollment appointments are activated, Transfer Students who have already met with their advisor can proceed to enroll/process your enrollment shopping cart.  The enrollment holds will also be applied at this time so if you have trouble with your hold and have met with your advisor, you can email your advisor a reminder to remove the hold if necessary.

Students admitted after April/October will have their enrollment dates updated on a weekly basis after admission.  If your enrollment appointment date seems to be incorrect, reach out to to take a look.

Student Answer:

We are sorry that you are not able to join us at KU this year.   I will forward this notification to KU Admissions so they can update your record and also turn off new student communications to your contact information.  We will be here to help should you change your mind or if future circumstances change!  Rock Chalk!

If you choose this response, forward the email to or ask the student to email that location with their application withdrawal themselves.

For all of your New Student Orientation/Onboarding needs, you can reach out to and we will help you ASAP.

Fast Facts:

Online orientation is completed in Canvas.  Your Tech Session will show you how to access that system so you can access your online, self-paced course.

In-Person orientation  = parking is free.  

You need to RSVP even for the Online Course. 

Readmit Student Questions

Are you a prior Jayhawk coming back to KU?  Welcome Back!  Your steps are a bit expedited, so check out these FAQ's to help you get started and re-connected.

Readmit Student Service Questions

Answer to Student:

Thank you for asking about your next steps and welcome back to KU!  Let’s get you connected with the Academic Success Navigators who can take a look at your records and advise on next steps and make your needed appointments.  To connect with the Academic Success Navigators, email or call 785-864-1218. 

All readmitted students will get a phone call from an Academic Success Navigator 5 days after being readmitted to KU.

Readmitted students are scheduled for enrollment based on your KU classification and KU's enrollment schedule policy.  Check your KU Enroll & Pay Student Center to see when your enrollment opens.  For assistance locating this information, reach out to

Readmitted students have the option of scheduling and attending a 30-minute, zoom Tech Session with an Academic Success Navigator.  These sessions re-introduce you to the KU systems you will use in your first 60 days of being a Jayhawk and help you make sure all of your passwords are working, that you know about system updates since you last attended, and during these session we also make all of your needed advising and orientation appointments if you like.  To schedule your tech session, reach out the KU Navigators after you have been readmitted at

Readmitted students have the option of attending an Orientation if that is helpful to your KU re-start.  You can take advantage of the KU Online Orientation that is self-paced, our on-campus events that are tailored to Transfer Students, or you can request to attend the full-day Freshman experience.  For more information on signing up connect with or your Academic Success Navigator will help you schedule during our phone call.

Note for Readmits:  They cannot see their assigned academic advisor in Enroll and Pay upon readmission.  So it is best for them to connect with Navigators who have the advisor assignments and can schedule their enrollment appointments quickly for the student during this transition period.  Advisor assignments load the first week of the semester and then students will be able to schedule all future appointments using the Navigate App.